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Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Travel, entertainment, cooking and many more;
All require energy galore.
Sources of energy are many my friends;
Selection of the ones renewable is what makes sense.

Crackling coal,gushing oil splitting uranium;
Most commonly used, they don't last long and form in a millemiun.

Trickling water down the stream;
OH! Looks like a wonderful dream.
Whistling air, moving with a flair;
Plant and animal waste, giving gases bare.
Burning sun and heat of the earth;
Reminder of clean power without dearth.

Let us work towards using renewable over non - renewable energy;
Let us take a pledge to conserve energy. 


  1. Hi Tushita, I'm sorry that I have only just spotted that this was labelled for me! I really enjoyed reading this poem - it has a very important message and I very much like your carefully considered use of vocabulary (crackling, gushing, millenium, trickling, dearth); so very well done! Perhaps you might want to try to re-work the last two lines, into the structure of the poem better??

  2. Actually I didn't get anything else
